Text Neck: Improving your Childs posture

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Using an electronic device and smart phones can put a lot of pressure on your neck and spine. The further you look downwards, the more force is placed on the neck joints, discs and muscles.

Unfortunately we are seeing more children suffering from neck pain and headaches as a result of their bad posture while playing on their iPad or phone.

So what can we do about this? 

  1.  Try raising your device to eye level as best you can. If standing, raise your elbows to lift you phone up. If seated, try placing a pillow under your arms to help raise the device.

  2. Have regular breaks for your body and for your eyes.

  3. Move around and do some gentle stretches whilst having a break.

  4. Importantly, get checked out by your osteopath to make sure you and your children don’t have extra stain through the muscles and joints of the upper back, shoulders and neck.

Let us help make electronic time safer for your body.