Sports injuries

Medial Ankle Sprain

Medial Ankle Sprain

What Is a Medial Ankle Sprain?

When your foot rolled it stretched or even tore the ligaments holding your ankle together. A medial ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments on the inside of the ankle. (Ligaments, by the way, are tough bands of tissue that connect bones to each other. They help to stabilise joints and prevent them from moving too far out of place.)

Sports injury: Lateral ankle sprain (rolled ankle)

Sports injury: Lateral ankle sprain (rolled ankle)

How many of us have rolled our ankle and damaged a ligament at some point in our life?! The answer is many of us. Approximately 2 million ankle ‘sprains’ (the word used to describe a ligament that has been over-stretched or torn) occur in the US every year alone, which gives you an idea of how many happen worldwide!

Sports Injury: Gluteal tendinopathy

Sports Injury: Gluteal tendinopathy

Are you experiencing hip pain? There are a few structures in and around the hip that can lead to pain felt at the very outer aspect of it. Problems in the low back, the hip joint itself, and soft tissues that surround the joint can all be viable culprits. Let us explain in our latest injury blog about gluteal tendinopathy.